Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello Summer Heat!

Summer's finally here! Nothing beats lounging around by the beach with relaxing music and an ice-cold drink. Do you have plans to go to the beach this summer?
I'm sure most of you out there loooove tanning under the sun to show off that sun-kissed look. Unfortunately, a little too much sun will damage your skin in the long run. It will speed up skin aging and permanently damage some of your skin cells (Say hello to wrinkles!) Try to tan in the morning or in the late afternoon when the sun isn't too hot (Avoid 10 a.m. to about 2:30 p.m.) Your skin will thank you for it.

Always always always remember to have the following when you hit the beach:

  • SUNBLOCK - Applying SPF isn't actually just a SUMMER tip. This should actually be done everyday if you're under the sun a lot. You'll still get a tan even though you apply sunblock anyway, so please DO protect your skin from the sun's harmful effects. Re-apply every 2-3 hours especially if you're swimming to keep your skin protected! 
Did you know? SPF measures how long it takes sunscreen protected skin to begin to sunburn (turn red) as compared to unprotected skin. For instance, if it takes unprotected skin takes 10 minutes to burn, then sunscreen protected skin with a SPF value of 15 will take 150 minutes to burn (10x15). Sun protection is important to the health of your skin. (thanks to google! haha)
  • LIP BALM with SPF - Our lips are a very sensitive part of our skin. Having a lip balm in hand will keep your lips hydrated and prevent it them chapping. Dry lips are not attractive and painful!
  • MOISTURIZER/LOTION - Always apply moisturizer for your face and lotion all over your body after you expose your skin to the sun. It needs all the help it can get to restore itself after being under the harsh sun all day. Apply a cold damp towel on those areas that are a little too sun burnt for about 10 minutes, this can also help your skin cool off. :) 

*** I don't own the last two pictures in this post. ;) I just searched them on google. hihi.

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